Set up the CD500

See the Quick Guide of the CD500

Set up the Cameras

See the Quick Guide of the cameras

Configure the cameras

Make sure the cameras and CD500 have a IP address in the same subnet.  Set both cameras exposure and white balance settings to match the circumstances in the room. Uses H.265 video format. 

Configure the Teacher Tracker

Set cameras

Login the CD500 and go to System > Settings. Set the IP addresses of both cameras in the settings of the Teacher Tracker. Check in Settings > Status if you licence is active. Save the changed and reboot. This can take a couple of minutes. Upon reboot the IP address of the device will be visible for 1 minute on the HDMI ouput.

Configure the overview camera

Go to the CD500 web GUI: Teacher Tracker > Calibration > Click Start Configuration. Configure the Pan, tilt, and Zoom levels of the "Overview" camera. Any changes made to the camera's position, pan, tilt, zoom, and/or light conditions require re-calibration of the Teacher Tracker.


The calibration is preferrable done with 2 persons, one behind the laptop, one on the stage.  Always make sure that the person to be calibrated his or her face and upper body are fully visible in the shot. Use the full width of the room/stage. Make sure no other persons are visible. 

Take at least 5 calibration points in a sitting position on a chair. Repeat this until all calibration points (20 in total) are found and completed. The camera will blink 4 times red when the calibration is in progress. If a calibration point is found, both cameras will blink green, then the person to be calibrated can move to another position in the room or on stage. The camera tally lights will be solid green if the calibration is successful.

Turn on

Go to Teacher Tracker > Info and toggle the on/off button to turn the system on.

Go to Teacher Tracker > Audience to set the audience exclusion zone.

The software is now ready to follow the teacher.