Set up the CD500

See the Quick Guide of the CD500

Set up the Cameras

See the Quick Guide of the cameras

Configure the cameras

Make sure the cameras and CD500 have a IP address in the same subnet. 

Log in to each camera's web interface. Set the primary and secondary stream settings to:

  • H.265 encoding
  • 60 Frames per second
  • I-frame interval of 10 frames

Configure the Voice Tracker

To ensure proper functionality of the Voice Tracker, it is essential to correctly configure the room and measure everything with a 1 cm accurracy.

Room Size

Choose a startpoint for the room drawing in the top left corner of the room. This 'zero' point (0,0) is important because it is the reference to measure all other objects in the room. On the main page, select the Objects tab and click on Room Configuration. Set the dimensions of the room, these dimensions don't have to be accurate and can be set just very large, for example if you don't have a rectangular room.

Add Objects

Add objects such as tables, microphones, cameras, chairs, and zones. For each object, specify its location starting from the top left corner of the room as represented on the canvas. For some objects, you can also define their rotation under "Orientation."

Check device settings

Go the the devices in the top menu bar and check if there are no warnings at the camera and microfone settings.

Choose Scenario

Go to Switcher and choose the automated scenario. It is also possible to set up a manual scenario by adding presets, flows and scenarios. This manual setup gives you more control, but is more work to set up. We advise to start with the automated scenario.

Turn on

Turn on the button "Live" in the top bar. The system will start working now.